12 Memorable Quotes From President APJ Abdul Kalam

Abdul Kalam : The Missile Man Of India

Abdul Kalam, the scientist, president, an aerospace Engineer – popularly called the Missile Man of India is no wonder an inspiration to millions of Indians spread across the world. The winner of Bharat Ratna – India’s highest civilian honor is most popular for his interaction with the student community. I guess there are very few people who retain the child in them as they grow. Here is one man who has grown not inspite of the child like qualities but because of them. Here is a collection of 12 Memorable quotes from Abdul Kalam. 

12 Memorable Quotes By APJ Abdul Kalam

Dream, Dream Dream, Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action.
It is very conflicting when someone uses the word dreams – they seem to be so cliched these days – especially with the amount of fantasy added to them. Having said that, I would be foolish to look at the idea of a dream lightly.
It was the dream of the wright brothers which make us fly today, it was the dream of cavemen which made us enjoy cooked food. I am sure at some point every little thing we do today might have felt unreasonably impossible for someone else generations together and they would have killed to have what we do today.
Maybe it makes sense to appreciate that and look at our dreams a little closer for these are the very precious ones which define us, enable us and push us to make them come true. For we all are here for that one dream – the dream to make our opportunities and our lives count! 

Dreams are not those which comes while we are sleeping, but dreams are those when u don’t sleep before fulfilling them.
There sure seems to be a lot of misconception when it comes to dream. And somehow in the parlance dreams seem to have taken a backstage, playing a lighter role.
But truth is – a dream is much more than that. As kalam says – it is not those dreams which make us dormant that count. We keep having those everyday and we don’t even remember most of them. But there are those few things which really define us – make us realize who we are really passionate about and what we are willing to stand up for.
Those are the real dreams and they deserve every little thing we can afford to make them come true. 

This is my belief: that through difficulties and problems God gives us the opportunity to grow. So when your hopes and dreams and goals are dashed, search among the wreckage, you may find a golden opportunity hidden in the ruins.
We all hate our difficulties and challenges. I haven’t met many people who are excited at the sight of trouble, and I am no different either. But beyond all these challenges – there is a hidden message, sometimes a test to see how badly you want something and sometimes just a signal to alter the route you have followed so far.
But it is true that each of these challenges come with a purpose -a single purpose to help you achieve and realize your destiny. We can either let them have a strong impact on us, be completely overwhelmed by them and stop.
Or – We can stand our ground – tell ourselves or rather prove to ourselves that we are stronger than these challenges and like kalam says – give ourselves an opportunity to identify the gold hidden in the ruins.

Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you, but to help you realize your hidden potential and power, let difficulties know that you too are difficult.
This quote seems very similar to the one above depicting the reason, purpose and the path for these difficulties in life. They either make us or break us – this is what most people are going to tell you.
But difficulties alone don’t make us or break us – it is simply us who do that. We define what those difficulties mean to us. We define how much impact they are going to have on our lives and we alone determine the course these difficulties take.
We can do the easier action of finding someone to blame it on – most times it is Luck, the theologists say it is god while the fatalists say it is fate. But a simple man says – it is an aberration and we need to find a way around it. What do you think?

Failure will never overtake me if my definition to succeed is strong enough.
Ask every underachiever in life the reason behind his failure. Most of them seem to have some excellent stories. As Jordan Belfort says – “The only thing standing between you and your success is the bullshit story as to why you can’t have it”.
We need to realize this one truth – No one really cares why you didn’t do something. The reasons we give are not a justification for anyone else but ourselves and we tend to delve hours together on it to formulate these reasons.
But we need to step out of it, take a wider look at it – the answer is very simple – we just need to ask the right question. And the question is –
  • Do you really want it? 
  • How badly do you want it? 
  • What are you willing to do for it? 
Your answer to this determines your next course of action and the result of whether it is a success or a failure. 

Suffering is the essence of success!
Does it remind you of this quote – Pain is essential but suffering is optional?!
I like the quote – it is rebellious, it is the ultimate belief in human will. But I am a simple man – I am not evolved enough not to feel anything. There are too many conflicts in my mind and I don’t find it that wrong at all.
But maybe we are looking at it all wrong. We don’t have to try and define everything in life – pain or suffering is a great motivator. We just need to learn how to channel it to bring out the best in us.
We would have remained at the same emotional state we were years ago if it were not for the pain or suffering we went through. They changed us as people, someone we are today. We might be proud or disappointed with it and we might even be suffering because of it.
If the answer is suffering – then great, start finding ways out of it, use it to motivate yourself and push yourself towards the solution. Don’t beat yourself up. Nothing good is going to come out of it! Be smart, find a way out of it!

Confidence and Hard work is the best medicine to kill the disease called failure. It will make you successful person.
Low confidence is a disease, failure is  disease, low aim is a crime!
Gosh there are so many conflicting quotes in this world and sometimes it is really confusing which one to pick. So, for a moment – forget all these quotes.
Although we love quotes at inspire99, I do agree and understand that they tend to get a little romantic and bookish sometimes. Maybe cos these quotes give us only a small picture of life and not the complete story.
I am sure that even these greats had a lot of challenges in life and struggled with their everyday activities. But that’s not their problem – it is our – we tend to idolize every simple person we like.
Instead – start looking at them as human, start looking at failure as a natural phenomenon, quickly find ways to snap out of it and find solutions and look at it as an opportunity or a challenge. There is no point in wallowing in failure, the success is in your attitude of facing these failures.

Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career.
What is the secret of success? – Talent? Resources? Time? Opportunities?
If someone said persistence/perseverance then I guess you have found the right synonym for strength/success as Kalam points out here.
We all are human and we all have a strong side and a weak side. Sorry to douse the enthusiasm a bit but none of us are perfect, but we sure are beautiful with our imperfections.
The point here is that whatever we would like to do in life – we can’t let the weak side of us call the shots cos it is going to lead us to disaster. We cannot let the fears or past failures guide our futures as well.
We need to focus on our past successes and persist. This strength is going to lead us to the destiny we deserve.

You cannot change your future, but you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future.

What does future hold for us? I feel like a young kid looking at a crystal ball hoping to see my life in a huge mansion with a fleet of cars and riches to command.
Then again – which one of us doesn’t want that? I am not going to debate whether we can change the future or not, but I am going to say that we ought to do everything we can to make that future we desire ours.
I don’t know whether I will be able to change my future or not but I sure would love to do everything in my power to get what I really feel very strongly for. Sometimes it just becomes secondary whether you get to your final destination or not.
And if it simply means changing a few habits, then why not? Are these habits really bigger than our dreams?

We should not give up and we should not allow the problems defeat us.
It all boils down to this one simple question – Who is bigger – YOU or YOUR PROBLEMS?
Come on Big Guy, you cannot let every pebble in the way block you. If you hit a pebble it – remove it from your feet, if you hit a wall push through it, jump over it, blast it with dynamite.
Do whatever you think is necessary – but do it. Don’t give in to the idea of failure or self pity. They are not going to lead you anywhere.
It is very easy to gain sympathy or pity in this world. Fortunately RESPECT doesn’t work that way!

Don’t read success stories, you will only get a message. Read failure stories, you will get some ideas to get success.
It is exciting to read success stories – it fills us with hope, energy and the belief that anything and everything is possible in this world.
And truly enough most of these success stories are tweaked to give you the picture perfect ending we all love to see cos let us face it – tragedies don’t succeed that very well in cinema.
 But that doesn’t mean that we recommend you to read failure stories. NO! We really don’t want you to do that. But we do want you to understand the importance of failures and maybe even appreciate them.
I think what Kalam is trying to say here is that there has never been a respectable success  without a considerable failure. There have been mistakes in the world which have opened up new lines of opportunities and the way we have used them have led us to where we are today.
The best way out is to honor the importance of failures as well, appreciate them and stay clear of them. You don’t have to do all the mistakes to learn from them – you can read a few too :)

Black color is sentimentally bad but, every black board makes the students life bright.
Luck has got nothing to do with your success or life story. I have rarely heard successful people sharing credit with luck.
Luck sure is a very good excuse though, it helps us gratify ourselves and curse the omens. The sad thing about cursing the omens is that they don’t tell you what to do next.
You don’t want someone to tell you or keep telling you that you failed. You already know what you have gone through and defining that is not going to give you much in return.
Instead, look at the next step. Remember – what you see is what you get – you can’t go forward by looking backwards all the time.
Similarly you can’t realize true success if you keep looking at just the failure and just the failure alone.

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Songs That Will inspire You To Achieve Your Dreams

Songs play an important role in our lives. They make us laugh, cry and express ourselves in the best possible manner. Songs also give us hope and tell us that we are going to survive and be okay during tough times. I have compiled a list of Bollywood songs that will prep you up to work hard towards your goals. Don't kill me if I have missed your favourite song in the list. Just add it to your playlist by yourself :p 

1. Sadness is the rotten part of life. This track from Taare Zameen Par makes us look beyond it.

2. Keep walking in this colourful and beautiful world.

3. Once you have set a goal, there is no looking back.

4.  Even if the path is filled with difficulties, let's still walk on it.

5. Fear will always pull us back. Overcome it. 

6. Hope is all we have, don't we?

7. Chak De India will never fail to inspire us.

8. It's okay to walk alone in this journey of life. 

9. Because in the end, we will always have God by our side.

Well music can motivate you to achieve greatness. But sometimes pursuing your passion for music itself can put you on a path to success. Take the case of Akshay Phanse. When he lost his day job, he decided to follow his passion for music and start a music school. Find out about the little surprise the fine folks at Ford Figo Aspire had in store for him to help him keep his dream alive.
If you too have it in you to dream big then you just have to participate in Ford Figo Aspire’s ‘What drives you’ contest and earn yourself a chance to win Ford Figo Aspire and 1 lakh Rupees among many other surprises..!

Water Your Body: a great app with huge sense

I came across this amazing application when I was searching for another app. With curiosity and of course with an intention to increase my water intake I downloaded this application. This app has been a great difference maker from a past few months. Over the days, I have increased my water intake from 1.5lts to 2.5 to 3lts every day and like anybody of you could guess, it did show results in me.
This is a brilliant application for android phones (Because it’s free ðŸ˜€) and it is user-friendly. The app has plenty of options in it. You can set your daily goal, you can see the growth chart, and my most favourite thing of this app is its reminder which pops on your phone every now and then and asks you to ‘water your body’. Isn’t it amazing? Amidst your busy scheduled day, you find someone to take care of your water habits and someone to remind you how important it is to your body.
Here is what I experienced with the help of a single application:
I feel energized
I feel a lot more energized than earlier. It makes me feel hydrated. Research says, proper hydration of body helps in athletic performances and yes drinking more water has made me more active than before.

Helped me in weight loss
Drinking more water always helped me eat less. Staying hydrated can serve as an appetite suppressant.
Whenever I felt like eating something which I was not supposed to eat, I would drink a glass of water at least. It was my way of distracting my mind ðŸ˜€
On a serious note, research does suggest that drinking plenty of water may help you lose weight

Improved my skin
Was it about killing germs and impurities? Or was it about the hydration? I am quite not sure about it but drinking more water did reflect on my skin. It moisturizes the skin internally and provides you a younger looking skin.
At least my skin doesn’t appear as dull as before and I am happy about it.

Cured joint pains
It acts like a lubricant to the body, providing enough nutrients and I have not experienced much of a pain regarding my joints from a past few days.
Drinking more water helps to get rid of wastes through urination and perspiration. It boosts productivity, fights infection, supports your heart, help in digestion, and helps to relieve headaches.

I am still half way through and need more time in analyzing what this amazing application is doing to me. If half way through has shown great results then you can imagine how rewarding the rest can be.

Download the app and use it regularly. I am sure most of you would not regret doing it.
Android users can download the application here: Water Your Body
Apple users can download here: Water Your Body (I think it’s a paid app)

Goal Setting : 8 Golden Rules To Ensure Your Success At Setting Goals To Achieve Your Dreams

Goal Setting

Well! The definition is pretty simple – we know what we want to achieve, put a timeline to it and there is your goal setting. However, there is more to goal setting than its definition, a few questions which define how successful you are going to be at this.
The answer to this question lies in the answers to the WHY, WHAT and HOW!
In this post, we discover the nuances of setting goals, the purpose of our goals and how we go about achieving them.

We all have a definition of our lives, a few standards which we keep ourselves by. And we would love to live life on our standards and definitions and we call them aspirations or dreams. This article is going to identify optimal ways to set your goals optimally and set you up for success.
Goal setting becomes important because
- If the goal is set too high, then you are setting yourself for dejection and disappointment and it gets pretty hard to keep you focused and you will need spurts of motivation to keep you going
- If the goal is set too low, then it means that you are not challenging your true potential and you are setting yourself to a failure since you underestimate your capacity. 
Either ways, you are setting yourself up for failure with this goal setting. So why not look at it with a new premise?

Before we get into the intricacies of how we achieve the goals and how we plan/prioritize them, we shall look at what these goals mean to us.
“Show me a why and I will tell you how! “
There is no question more powerful than  WHY when it comes to setting your goals in life. It is the driving force for all our motivation, the purpose which defines our actions and how much the goal means to us.
There isn’t going to be much progress before we answer the WHY! The HOW is a far easier question than the WHY. So ask yourself this
- Why this goal?
- What does achieving this goal mean to you – not to the society, not to your parents nor the perks it brings. What does this mean to you?
- How would you feel when you achieve this goal? 
- How important is this goal in your life? 
So.. Why this goal?!

Ok! You have the goals ready, you also know why you want to achieve it. Then comes the question of when, how do you pace and place these goals in your life. If you have any challenges with managing time – this walkthrough will be able to help you. 
However, it is important that you know what your short term goals and long term goals are. With these long term goals as the end point, we can channel the short term goals to achieve your larger purpose.
The connection need not be accurate or perfect, but even a small connection is a valid connection. Anything and everything you do – gets you closer to the bigger goals you have defined for yourself. So try making that connection, it strengthens your reason of why you want to achieve these goals.

Put a timeline on each one of these goals, segregate them into 3 patterns
- Most Important
- Moderate
- Low Profile
Given a chance we would like to achieve all of these goals together. But that is not what we are going at today. We are talking about setting goals in our lives so that we have the best chance to achieve them based on their importance, based on what they mean to us.
Knowing the priorities prepares you for tougher decisions and lets you understand how to plan your goal setting and define timelines to achieve them.

Knowing what to do is the first step and knowing why is a great step. But none of them are ever going to mean anything unless you set up an action plan for your goals.
Your sole purpose with this post is about setting goals and achieving them – they both complement each other. For that to happen, you must set yourself for a win. So, set up deadlines, be optimistic and create a lag time. There is nothing called a perfect plan.
There will be some mistakes – allocate time to those. But remember it is ok to finish before time or on time. But never ok to finish things late. So, factor in that lead time to plan yourself.

What are the resources you have to achieve this goal. We want you to write down all the resources you have including people and friends and whoever who can be of help to you.
Some examples of resources for setting goals are time, people, accessibility to the computer and internet, supervisors – anything and everything you can relate to the topic. It can be something extremely remote too.
But you need to make a list of every possible resource you have to help you achieve this goal.
Once you have a list of all the resources, categorize them into 3 divisions
- Direct Resources
These are the straightforward resources like your guides/teachers, study material on the project, seniors or learned graduates. These are the ones who are capable of helping you and their help can set you strides ahead with the project. 
- Indirect Resources
These can be contacts, a third person contact – someone who may not directly influence the project but can make a lot of impact in the way you think. This can be a person who brain storms with you, fights intellectual wars and makes you think out of the box.
- Doubtful Resources
There always is a maybe pile in most things we do. So.. Count in the doubtful ones too. There are immense amount of possibilities out there and these doubtful resources have their own way of surprising you – but they are going to!
Nevertheless – list all the resources you have got! Makes you more aware of how strong you are and how much you can achieve. Setting goals is all about being clever and consistently bringing out your best.

No matter what all we say about setting goals, give you a perfect plan which sounds like the best answer to the question – How to set goals and achieve them; none of it is important unless you act upon it.
Define a plan as to how much time you can dedicate and what you intend to achieve in this timeline. Set it up per day and quantify these goals. There should be a clear metric to say how much you have achieved on these goals each day, what is the progress you have made per day and letting you know how close you are to your final goal.
The process of chunking or splitting a large project into mini ones is employed in most of the successful industries since it helps to keep you on track and keep your approach structured.
Start making your everyday plan based on your original goal setting worksheet.

Having said this all, it is not fair from our end if we don’t offer a goal setting worksheet. Based on the pointers above, we have designed the worksheet below which will help you design your life goals – whether they are personal, professional or maybe even relationships too – if you can design a plan for them.
It is just a small step into the world of your goals and aspirations, but it sure can go a long way in helping you succeed.
Here you are with the goal setting worksheet.