Songs That Will inspire You To Achieve Your Dreams

Songs play an important role in our lives. They make us laugh, cry and express ourselves in the best possible manner. Songs also give us hope and tell us that we are going to survive and be okay during tough times. I have compiled a list of Bollywood songs that will prep you up to work hard towards your goals. Don't kill me if I have missed your favourite song in the list. Just add it to your playlist by yourself :p 

1. Sadness is the rotten part of life. This track from Taare Zameen Par makes us look beyond it.

2. Keep walking in this colourful and beautiful world.

3. Once you have set a goal, there is no looking back.

4.  Even if the path is filled with difficulties, let's still walk on it.

5. Fear will always pull us back. Overcome it. 

6. Hope is all we have, don't we?

7. Chak De India will never fail to inspire us.

8. It's okay to walk alone in this journey of life. 

9. Because in the end, we will always have God by our side.

Well music can motivate you to achieve greatness. But sometimes pursuing your passion for music itself can put you on a path to success. Take the case of Akshay Phanse. When he lost his day job, he decided to follow his passion for music and start a music school. Find out about the little surprise the fine folks at Ford Figo Aspire had in store for him to help him keep his dream alive.
If you too have it in you to dream big then you just have to participate in Ford Figo Aspire’s ‘What drives you’ contest and earn yourself a chance to win Ford Figo Aspire and 1 lakh Rupees among many other surprises..!

Water Your Body: a great app with huge sense

I came across this amazing application when I was searching for another app. With curiosity and of course with an intention to increase my water intake I downloaded this application. This app has been a great difference maker from a past few months. Over the days, I have increased my water intake from 1.5lts to 2.5 to 3lts every day and like anybody of you could guess, it did show results in me.
This is a brilliant application for android phones (Because it’s free ðŸ˜€) and it is user-friendly. The app has plenty of options in it. You can set your daily goal, you can see the growth chart, and my most favourite thing of this app is its reminder which pops on your phone every now and then and asks you to ‘water your body’. Isn’t it amazing? Amidst your busy scheduled day, you find someone to take care of your water habits and someone to remind you how important it is to your body.
Here is what I experienced with the help of a single application:
I feel energized
I feel a lot more energized than earlier. It makes me feel hydrated. Research says, proper hydration of body helps in athletic performances and yes drinking more water has made me more active than before.

Helped me in weight loss
Drinking more water always helped me eat less. Staying hydrated can serve as an appetite suppressant.
Whenever I felt like eating something which I was not supposed to eat, I would drink a glass of water at least. It was my way of distracting my mind ðŸ˜€
On a serious note, research does suggest that drinking plenty of water may help you lose weight

Improved my skin
Was it about killing germs and impurities? Or was it about the hydration? I am quite not sure about it but drinking more water did reflect on my skin. It moisturizes the skin internally and provides you a younger looking skin.
At least my skin doesn’t appear as dull as before and I am happy about it.

Cured joint pains
It acts like a lubricant to the body, providing enough nutrients and I have not experienced much of a pain regarding my joints from a past few days.
Drinking more water helps to get rid of wastes through urination and perspiration. It boosts productivity, fights infection, supports your heart, help in digestion, and helps to relieve headaches.

I am still half way through and need more time in analyzing what this amazing application is doing to me. If half way through has shown great results then you can imagine how rewarding the rest can be.

Download the app and use it regularly. I am sure most of you would not regret doing it.
Android users can download the application here: Water Your Body
Apple users can download here: Water Your Body (I think it’s a paid app)